Dear friends,
I am pleased to announce a brand new, 3-part webinar series entitled:
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The Father Wound and the Wounded Masculine
How western civilization distorts, undermines and aims to destroy the sacred masculine, causing untold harm to our men, and to the women, children, families and societies they are part of.
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Currently, there are millions of people around the world suffering with “the father wound“.
The father wound is the result of growing up in a household with an absent, emotionally unavailable, neglectful, abusive and/or overly-critical father.
Those who suffer with the father wound have often experienced a difficult, painful, or non-existent relationship with their fathers.
Their inability to make a loving connection with their fathers can cause long-standing feelings of grief, rejection, betrayal and abandonment, as well as feelings of being unloved, unseen, unworthy, unprotected, unsupported, unsafe, and with low self-esteem.
These feelings can last a lifetime and interfere with one’s ability to create healthy relationships, stable families and a happy life.
Men who inflict the father wound on their children are often deeply wounded themselves.
They may carry deep, unresolved pain from their own childhood which makes it difficult for them to experience true love, bonding, intimacy and/or trust with their children (or partners or parents).
Often these men lack the self-awareness and empathy needed to acknowledge and understand the harm they have caused their children.
Some are alcoholics, drug addicts, porn addicts, or worse.
Most have a distorted understanding of what it means to be a Man.
Thanks to a culture that labels masculinity as “toxic” and that is feminizing boys and encouraging them to try to turn themselves into girls, confusion about what it means to be a Man is rampant.
Dark cultural institutions like the medical establishment (that has an ongoing penchant for genitally torturing and surgically mutilating the penises of very young boys), along with the media, pornography, religious teachings, the military, etc., have all disseminated false ideas about Manhood, thereby morphing people’s beliefs about masculinity and blocking the essence of the sacred masculine from expressing itself in our world.
The legal system, too, has hugely contributed to an attack on the sacred masculine by prohibiting countless fathers from seeing or spending time with their children.
All of these institutions have inflicted serious harm on men and boys (especially if they are white), leading many men to become emotionally, psychically and spiritually damaged and unable to be healthy fathers.
Women too, have played a role in the development of the wounded masculine by allowing their infant sons to be circumcised at birth, for example, and/or by preventing the father of their children from seeing or spending time with the children.
Of course, there are also the “woke” moms who are under such severe mind control that they willfully move to have their sons chemically and/or surgically altered in an insane attempt to try to turn the boys into girls.
Below left is a picture of the gorgeous 9-year old boy in question whose woke mother (on the right) insists on dressing her son as a girl and allowing the medical establishment to chemically castrate him before he even reaches puberty. The father has fought for his son but the wicked legal system (that is controlled by the very same cult that controls the medical establishment) has sided with the insane pediatrician mom and supported the destruction of this innocent boy’s life. The mom is in all her glory having become a “poster mom” for the woke movement. But her son will be physically, emotionally and spiritually damaged for life, AND he will not be able to reproduce, which is just the way the dark side wants it.
Now is time for us to take a good hard look at what is happening in our society and hold the institutions responsible for causing harm to our boys and men liable.
These institutions are leading the way to create an overwhelming epidemic of wounded fathers that end up inflicting pain on their children.
It is also time for each of us to level up and acknowledge the part we, ourselves, have played in the development of the wounded masculine.
By owning our part, we can create true healing and support the restoration of the sacred masculine on our beloved Earth.
Participants will come out of this webinar with a much deeper understanding of what is causing the men in our society to behave in dysfunctional ways.
Participants will also better understand what we need to do to put an end to this madness and raise healthy boys that will become loving, protective and supportive dads.
Now is the time to restore the sacred masculine!
I hope you will decide to join us!
Part 1 – Wed, Apr. 9, 2025 at 2:30pm EST
Part 2 – Wed, Apr. 23, 2025 at 2:3opm EST
Part 3 – Wed, May 7, 2025 at 2:30pm EST
Each segment will be 90-120 minutes in length
Cost for the 3-part webinar is $250.
To register, please click here or on the link below:
BNE Ministry Members click here to receive your discount.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at
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PLEASE NOTE: This webinar contains hard-hitting information that will benefit those who are ready to dive deep and are willing to acknowledge and address the dysfunction within western civilization and its institutions.
If you are someone that does not yet feel ready to address the shadow elements of our society or within your own life, than this webinar is probably not for you.
Please make sure you are in alignment with this level of exploration before registering for the webinar.
Please also see the refund policy below. Thank you.
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Please watch my latest interview with John Cooper to get a sense of the type of information I share.
Video can also be viewed here:
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REFUND POLICY – If you purchase this program and change your mind about participating at least 72 hours prior to the webinar, you will be issued a full refund, less the payment processing fees. Otherwise, there are no refunds. Please give serious consideration to whether you believe you are an appropriate match for this material.
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Below is a quote that pertains to the distinction between the wounded masculine and the sacred masculine. I hope you appreciate it as much as I did.
If man were truly the master of the universe, he would use his wisdom and his power to increase the comfort and happiness of all other creatures. But, tragically, man has used his wisdom and his power to increase their misery. Animal abusers imprison millions of animals in cruel and heartbreaking conditions and ignore their cries of pain and distress on the grounds that animals are not “sentient creatures.” What self-delusional nonsense this is. Sheep and cattle are left out in huge fields in cold, wet weather. They shiver and search in vain for shelter because all the trees and hedgerows have been removed to make the farm more efficient. The animal-abusing farmer cares not one jot for animals: he cares only for his profits.
“Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things,” wrote Albert Schweizer, “man will not himself find peace.”
The merciful man is kind to all creatures.
From “The Wisdom of Animals” by Antoinette Coleman
