Webinar – The Mother Wound

*Wounded Mother ~Wounded Child*

Dear friends,

I am pleased to announce a new

Birth of a New Earth Webinar


*The Mother Wound*

Understanding and Healing the Root Causes of Broken Mother/Child Bonds


This webinar is being offered to support those who feel burdened by a painful or unsatisfying relationship with their mothers. 

It is also geared toward supporting mothers (and fathers) who have had trouble bonding with their children.

This poignant topic regarding the break in mother/child bonding requires deep and meaningful exploration.

Although others have tried to examine this issue as best they can, it seems no one (that I am aware of) has yet to discuss the very foundation of the problem which lies in the way we are conceiving, gestating, and birthing our children.

Our choices during these very formative times absolutely influence our ability to love and bond with our children.

In addition, we are carrying inter-generational trauma and family patterns and wounds that can be inadvertently passed on to our children if they are left unhealed.

Imprinted pain from our earliest experiences can drive people to engage in extreme and violent behavior.

Things have become so serious that there are mothers today committing heinous crimes against their newborns such as throwing their babies out of windows to their death so that the child will not interfere with their career!


Is it any surprise that billions of people are walking this Earth  feeling totally unloved and believing they are inherently unlovable?

Such people know that something is deeply and profoundly missing in their connection with their mothers (and/or their children) and they tend to blame themselves.

But there are other forces at work that have orchestrated poor family outcomes and we will address this during the webinar.

This includes the child trafficking racket known as the adoption industry that has left millions of women and children in pain and searching for what they have lost.

It also includes those who control the medical establishment and the myriad protocols they have instituted during “prenatal care” and hospital birth that lead to a breakdown in human love and bonding.

As we come to fully “innerstand” what exactly has caused the separation between mothers and their children and blocked Mankind’s ability to experience love, true healing begins!

All it takes is the willingness, determination and courage to honestly look at ourselves, our families, and our choices to fully come to grips with the situation we now face.

We can change this very quickly once we see what is causing the problem.

ALL people can benefit from participating in this webinar…

but it will especially benefit those who are feeling impoverished from a lack of love and perhaps from a lack of money too.

Poverty itself is just a symptom of having been denied what we truly need during the earliest stages of our lives, or of feeling rejected, betrayed or abandoned (physically or emotionally) by our mothers and/or fathers at a time when we needed them most. 

Now we have an opportunity to “adult up” and take a serious look at what has happened to us and what is happening to our children and to our civilization that is causing family love to break down worldwide.


A holistic modality that can be used to heal this wounding will be discussed and those who register for this webinar will be eligible to participate in a forthcoming group healing process designed to address this very specific topic.

I hope you can join us.


Dear friends

This webinar is now complete.

To obtain the mp4 video recording of the webinar, please click on this this link


Cost for the webinar is $55. 

BNE Ministry Members click here to receive a 10% discount.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at jeanicebarcelo@yahoo.com.

I hope to see you there!


REFUND POLICY – If you purchase this program and change your mind about participating at least 72 hours prior to the webinar, you will be issued a full refund, less the payment fees.  Otherwise, there is a no refund policy.  Please give serious consideration to whether you believe you are an appropriate match for this material.

7 thoughts on “Webinar – The Mother Wound

    • Hi Regina – I’m sorry but I cannot accept paypal payments as they blocked my account years ago when I started telling the Truth about prenatal ultrasound.

  1. What a beautiful and helpful webinar for all ❤️🙏🏻 thank you for creating this…. I am going through very hard times now , If i could i would have bought this away 💔

    • Richard – I have changed the link. It looks like Activist Post took down that article but luckily, others picked it up and posted it on their sites. So that link is now working. Thanks for the heads-up.

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