The Father’s Role During The Childbearing Year – 3-Part Webinar Series


Greetings friends and family!

I am very pleased to announce this unique and special program designed to empower men and educate anyone interested about the important role of the father during the childbearing year.

This groundbreaking series begins Thursday, November 16, 2023, and will run for three consecutive Thursdays from 6:30-8:30pm U.S. Eastern.

This series is intended to fill a void in a society that offers little or no support for future fathers.  Our technocratic civilization has failed to honor fathers or even acknowledge the important role that men need to play during the conception, gestation and birth of their children.

During our three-week journey together, we will explore the father’s role during the entire primal period, beginning with discussions about preconception preparation and what men can do to help create a healthy preconception environment. 

The course then moves on to explore the spiritual significance of male consciousness and the impact of dad’s thoughts and feelings during the conception and gestation of their children. 

Later, we will examine  the extremely important role of the father during childbirth and discuss what men can do to enhance safety and security for their baby as well as their beloved, while maximizing the potential for a healthy, love-filled bonding experience between mom, dad, baby, and siblings.

We will lastly discuss the importance of conscious parenting and the myriad things men can do to help raise a healthy and happy child.

This 3-part series is designed to help men take back their power from medical usurpation and understand the keys to preserving love in their families forever.

Over the past century, the medical establishment has skillfully stepped in as the primary “care provider” during both pregnancy and childbirth, relegating fathers to the sidelines of one of the most important events in their lives.  Doctors have pretended that they are the all-important figures during both pregnancy and childbirth, literally usurping the father’s role and claiming it as their own.

Where is dad in this picture and why has this doctor taken his place? 

This is an unacceptable trend and is contributing to a breakdown in family love worldwide. 

Fathers need to have a primary presence during birth.  They need to be restored to their proper place during the conception, gestation, and birth of their children.   This course is designed to help.

Price for the three-part series is $200. To register, please click on the blue link below.

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PLEASE NOTE: All classes are approximately 120 minutes in length and will be offered via zoom.  Classes are available worldwide with a telephone and/or internet connection.



If interested or for more information, please contact:

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