Paperback – Are Wireless Devices Really Safe?

Post Published September 5, 2020

Dear friends – I am pleased to announce the publication of my third book, Are Wireless Devices Really SafeMuch of the information in this book has been excerpted from my recently published book, “The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound and the Dangers of Non-Ionizing Radiation” in which I expose the untold harm being caused by fetal ultrasound and the fact that ultrasound is radiation—specifically what medical science refers to as “non-ionizing” radiation.  Wireless devices, too, are emitting non-ionizing radiation and although we are repeatedly told that these devices are safe, in Truth, they are harmful to all living things.

Because of the information that I uncovered during the writing of my ultrasound book (especially as regards the dangers of non-ionizing radiation), I decided to devote the last chapter of that book to the topic of wireless technologies. That chapter turned out to be more than 100 pages long and involved several hundred hours of focused research and writing to complete.  Nonetheless, despite the effort I put into writing that chapter,  I had the nagging feeling that not enough people would see the information since most people would likely think the ultrasound book is only about ultrasound and never suspect he book also contains information about wireless devices.

Accordingly, I decided to create a totally separate book that contains the information about wireless technologies.  If you already purchased my ultrasound book, you do not need to purchase this new one since you already have much of the material in your possession.  However, this new volume has been updated with important additional material, including information about the explicit danger now imminent to the children with 5G and cell towers being installed in and right on top of schools.  The book also includes commentary about the link between wireless frequencies, 5G, the COVID “vaccine”, and the transhuman agenda.

Although more and more people are awakening to the dangers of wireless technologies, it is nevertheless quite rare to find a person that uses wired internet connections in their home and is willing to move through their day without a cell phone or other wireless gadget attached to him/her in some way.  Sadly, our attachment to these devices is causing our Earth to be bathed in a sea of microwave radiation that is not only alien to the planet, but potentially deadly to all living things.  Due to increasing cell tower density, combined with our own personal use of cell phones, cordless phones, wifi devices,  baby monitors, bluetooth devices, smart TVs, Alexa devices, smart appliances, satellites, and more, our world is now awash in a sea of noxious frequencies that are bringing living systems to the point of collapse.  It is imperative for people to learn the facts so that we can protect ourselves and our children.

If you are interested to learn more, you can order the book below.

The book is $22, plus shipping.

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Important Update for friends in Europe

The US postal service has alerted me of new European Union rules regarding moving items through customs.  Apparently, the EU has decided to charge ADDITIONAL FEES once a package arrives in the EU, over and above the outrageous shipping fees already being charged for items sent to countries that are part of the EU.  I do not know exactly which Europeans countries are part of the EU, but I wanted to alert my European customers to this possibility.  It seems “they” are trying to choke European people off financially if they dare attempt to order an item outside of the EU.  I sincerely apologize for this outrageous extortion scheme and wish I knew of some way around it.

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Important Update for friends in Australia

We now have an Australian distributor for this book.  Her name is Kim Hamilton and her bulk order of the books has made it possible for Australian (and New Zealand) residents to obtain the book at a significantly reduced price.  Prior to enlisting Kim’s help, Australian customers were forced to pay approximately $60 PER BOOK due to exorbitant international shipping rates.  Now the price for this book will be a total of $40, including shipping.  Please click on the appropriate link below if you live in Australia and are interested to buy this book.


U.S. residents, please click here


Canadian residents, please click here


European residents, please click here


Aussie residents, please click here


A PDF version of the book – $12  Please click here to order

Please email for more info.

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Whoa – your book is amazing!  VERY informative, FULL of factual data points while taking the reader into unforeseen dark places & is intertwined with explosions of witty humor. — Jason Vincent

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