Webinar – The Father’s Role During the Childbearing Year

The Father’s Role During the Childbearing Year

Empowering Future Parents Regarding the Male Role in the Conception, Gestation and Birth of Their Children


Fathers today are often relegated to the sidelines during the birth of their children.  They are treated as if their presence is an insignificant annoyance, while medical personnel step in, usurping the father’s role.  This situation is harmful to mothers, fathers and babies since fathers should be front and center during the birth of their children and no one should intervene or interfere in this process.   Any interference, or any undermining of the father’s role, can lead to a breakdown in family love after birth.

This program is designed to empower future parents and help them understand the true male role as protector, nurturer, and supporter during pregnancy and birth.  It is designed to help men step back into their power with a remembrance of how important fathers are to their babies, their beloved, and to Creation itself.

Women are welcome to participate in this program and learn about the important role men need to play during conception, gestation, and childbirth in order to create a joyful, love-filled, birth experience that will contribute to the preservation of love in the family.

This webinar is now complete.

If you would like to purchase the mp4 recording of the webinar please click below

Cost is $44.44

Click here to purchase the mp4

2 thoughts on “Webinar – The Father’s Role During the Childbearing Year

    • Hi Tanicia – thanks for reminding me to update the post. You can actually purchase the mp4 video recording of the webinar right now. Otherwise, I’m not sure when I’ll be doing it live again – perhaps sometime next year. If you’d like to be kept abreast of the course offerings being offered here, please register for updates on this site. Thanks and I hope this helps.

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