Birth of a New Earth Curriculum

Current research indicates that youth all across the world are increasingly at risk for a variety of social disorders including drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, behavioral problems, learning disabilities, severe depression, suicidal behavior, violent behavior, criminal behavior, and more.   Young people are also at risk for a variety of reproductive challenges such as prepubescent menstrual cycles, premature sexual activity, unwanted teen pregnancy, single or repeated abortions, single parenthood, and/or giving birth to an unwanted child.

A growing body of research in the field or pre- and perinatal psychology is now suggesting that this current cultural crisis may have its roots in unresolved trauma that our young may have experienced while in the womb, during birth, or during the immediate post-natal period of their lives. Western society has paid very little attention to the importance of the birth experience and the first nine months in the womb, and we have seriously underestimated the impact of pre- and perinatal trauma on the psyches of our young. As a result, our youth are suffering tremendously and are having difficulty leading joyful, healthy lives.

Much to our misfortune, there is not a single school (that I am aware of), in the whole of the United States or elsewhere, that has taken on the responsibility of teaching young adults about the principles of conscious procreation and parenting. Although “sex education” has made its way into grammar school classrooms and children as young as 5 are now being taught about orgasm, masturbation, homosexuality, and transgenderism, nowhere do we find truly meaningful discussion about the spiritual and long-term ramifications of haphazard sexual behavior, and/or about the importance of conceiving babies consciously, gestating them in loving and trauma-free wombs, birthing them gently, and parenting them in way that they can be happy, healthy, and wise.

As a result of our focus on “sex education,” millions (perhaps billions) of children are being conceived haphazardly and then gestated in wombs filled with fear, shame, and resentment. This difficult beginning (if it doesn’t end in abortion) is often followed by a birth experience that is filled with trauma and toxicity.

According to a study done by William Emerson (expert in pre- and perinatal psychology and pioneer in the field of birth trauma healing), 95{07852e6e605eab5487b14855361b49717f1863b3cb5f40601bc93fc2480bbef1} of American hospital births are considered traumatic, with 50{07852e6e605eab5487b14855361b49717f1863b3cb5f40601bc93fc2480bbef1} of these being rated as moderately traumatic, and 45{07852e6e605eab5487b14855361b49717f1863b3cb5f40601bc93fc2480bbef1} being rated as severely traumatic. Early trauma has been shown to affect the development of the fetal and infant brain, nervous system, neuro-chemistry, organs, physiology, psychology, and consciousness. Early traumatic memories leave imprints that are stored somatically and, although these memories may not be available to the conscious mind, they nevertheless influence all aspects of health and personality.

Traumatic imprints create psychological and behavioral patterns that tend to repeat themselves throughout life. For example, babies that are gestated in wombs where mother and father are not in a loving relationship may carry an imprint of dysfunctional relating that can manifest and seek resolution during adolescence and adulthood. This prenatal imprinting can effectively cause a maturing adult to repetitively enter into unfulfilling and/or abusive relationships as he or she recreates the conditions of his/her early wounding in an attempt to achieve a different outcome. Unless human beings become conscious of the primal wounding that is generating their behavior (which is often inter-generational), and unless they find ways to come to resolution, the patterns are likely to recapitulate and get passed on to the next generation.

Early traumatic womb experiences can include, but are not limited to:

  • being in a womb where one is not wanted and/or where thoughts of abortion are contemplated

  • being in a womb where the mother is experiencing deep emotional pain or chronic depression (the baby is swimming in the hormonal and neurochemical make-up of its mother)

  • being the product of a loveless sexual experience

  • being in a womb that is filled with stress hormones due to the stress that parents are under

  • being exposed to toxic substances such as alcohol, nicotine, and illegal and/or prescription drugs while in the womb, at birth, or during the first two years of life

  • being exposed to domestic violence or violence of any kind before, during, or after birth

  • being abandoned by one or both parents

All of the above experiences (and this is a very small sampling) can, and most often do, result in the underdevelopment of the human brain and the over-adrenalization of the nervous system. Biological deficiencies and traumatic compensations tend to compound over time and can lead to an adolescent and/or adult that has difficulty generating healthy behavior, satisfying relationships, and a joyful life.

It is for this reason that it is imperative to offer an educational youth program that will raise awareness of the social conditions that are perpetuating this dis-ease and offer tools that will help our youth put an end to the lineage of abuse, maltreatment, and dysfunction.

The program described below is geared toward youth and young adults between the ages of 13 and 30. It is designed to help change the way young people think about relationships, sexuality, pregnancy, birth, and parenting. It is also designed to provide youth with tools and knowledge that will help them heal their past and create a better future.

The curriculum outlined below encourages young people to understand the social implications of irresponsible sexual activity, thereby encouraging them to be in absolute integrity with their behavior. Each class will stress the importance of being truly ready to bring forth life before becoming sexually active and, once this readiness is established, to seek a stable, committed, loving relationship (and home) before conceiving a child.

The curriculum is further designed to educate youth about the types of trauma that can occur during conception, prenatal life, at birth, and during the first two years of life. This information has a variety of benefits including:

  • helping youth become conscious of any trauma they, themselves, may have experienced in their own early life, thereby starting the process of conscious resolution;

  • providing them with tools they can use to heal their own damaging imprints;

  • helping youth understand the implications of irresponsible sexual behavior and haphazard conception;

  • providing them with a moral incentive to make sure the important pieces are in place BEFORE they become sexually active and/or become pregnant and have a child.

Emphasis will be placed on their capacity to make responsible choices, encouraging them to maintain a drug and alcohol-free environment at all times and trusting that, if they do choose to become pregnant after this program, they will have enough information to create the best possible circumstances for themselves and their babies.

The program consists of a 20-week intensive lecture, film, and experiential series that will utilize a combination of classroom-like discussions, auditory and visual aids, and on-going focus-group interactions, as outlined below.


Jeanice Barcelo has been a pregnancy and childbirth educator for more than 15 years.  She is a former college professor with a master’s degree in sociology.  She has taught a multitude of courses  on several college campuses with her expertise being in the area of gender issues, human sexuality, prenatal and perinatal psychology, as well as pregnancy, childbirth and parenting.

Jeanice’s expertise is in the healing and prevention of prenatal and birth trauma. She has spoken internationally on this topic and on many radio and television shows.  She is the creator of the Birth of a New Earth Curriculum and also the Birth of a New Earth Parenting Program.  She is the author of three books including “Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine,” The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound, and Are Wireless Devices Really Safe?.  To learn more about her work, please visit the various pages of this website.

Jeanice is a also a certified Jin Shin Jyutsu instructor and practitioner with close to 20 years of experience using this Japanese system of energy medicine for the resolution of early shock and trauma. Jeanice has studied in-depth the impact that early trauma has on the human mind/body system, and, in particular, the ways in which prenatal and birth trauma effect the development of the fetal nervous system and brain. Through her own personal life experience, in combination with several years of intense training, Jeanice has come to a deep understanding of how early overwhelming experiences can influence one’s health and personality throughout life and can cause a variety of disorders later in life including, but not limited to, repetitive relationship problems, chronic health issues, drug and alcohol addiction, uncontrollable violence and criminal behavior, chemical imbalances in the brain, fertility issues, severe depression, and an inability to lead a joyful, healthy life.

Jeanice offers educational seminars, classes and parenting programs, one-on-one pregnancy preparation services, healing and counseling for birth trauma, as well as workshops and programs designed especially for men. She can be reached via email at


The course you are about to review is designed to support students in examining cultural attitudes and beliefs regarding sexuality, pregnancy, childbirth and parenting. By utilizing cross-cultural anthropological data as a method of comparison, the following curriculum critically analyzes western habits and behaviors with respect to the conception, gestation, birth, and parenting of children — and the our behavior is having on individuals, families, society, and the human species as a whole.

Through a combination of lecture, film, and focus-group interactions, the curriculum explores the things that can be done to heal the past and create a better future – one that will support the preservation of love in families and completely transform the quality of our lives and our entire  civilization.

Part I – A Cross-Cultural Look at Human Sexuality

Week 1 – Introduction and a cross-cultural look at childbirth and childrearing practices.

Week 2 – The social construction of gender and sexuality in the western world.

Weeks 3 and 4An examination of the media and pornography and the impact they are having on our understanding of human relationships and human sexuality.

Part II – A In-Depth Look at Pregnancy and Childbirth

This part of the course will offer in-depth information about the importance of prenatal and birth experiences, and how they affect our lives and our civilization. We will look closely at current birthing practices and examine how technological interventions during pregnancy and birth are negatively influencing the primal process of gestation and childbirth. We will examine how the relationship between mother and father can affect baby’s brain development as well as its relational abilities later in life. We will learn about the importance of the mother-infant bond and how this bond begins to build in the earliest stages of gestation and can create a lifetime of healthy relating or its opposite. We will discuss, in-depth, the types of trauma that can occur during the various stages of gestation and at birth and how these traumas can affect our later lives. We will also look closely at ways to prevent prenatal and birth trauma, and examine tools we can use to reorganize our own neurology and brain chemistry to repattern our own traumatic imprints.

Weeks 5 & 6The importance of the preconception environment and how to prepare oneself for conscious conception.

Weeks 7-9 – The important role of the father during the childbearing year.

Weeks 10-12An overview of life in the womb and how our experiences during the first nine months of life can affect our health and personality throughout life.  We explore various types of prenatal imprinting and the kinds of trauma that can occur during gestation and influence us long-term.

Weeks 13-17 – An examination of modern obstetrical practices and the impact of technological interventions during pregnancy and childbirth.

Week 18 – How to heal our past trauma with Jin Shin and prepare for conscious procreation.

Part III – Conscious Parenting

Weeks 19 & 20 – Attachment parenting, breastfeeding, baby wearing, co-sleeping, etc. Also, an in-depth look at the danger of vaccinations.


By Jeanice Barcelo, M.A.

7 thoughts on “Birth of a New Earth Curriculum

  1. I worked in a birthing home and even though it was by and far better than a hospital delivery. I just so wish and will pray your program goes very well and increases in popularity. I am 69 now and my emphasis on college, was psychology.. I am very impressed and hopeful reading this. G-d bless you and yours and this program. I will if possible try to take it. I so want women’s condition to improve, along with all of humanity. Amen and amen.

  2. This is very interesting to me. I would like to share that the New Testament contains the 2000 year old blueprint for local assembly of true family and that almost no one seems to get this, especially church goers…

  3. Hello
    One area of work I am involved in is supporting parents and babies in small groups. How I would love to bring what you know and teach to parents and parents to be in the UK. And heal my own birth trauma.I am 68. What you are bringing is so important for the next generation. The hope of the world depends on healthy children. Can I do your course?

    • Yes mam. You can certainly take my any one of my courses, or participate in any one of my webinars that you may find interesting. But if you are speaking of the Parenting Program, then it is important for you to become a member of my Ministry first. You can learn about the Ministry here:

      I hope you decide to join! It would be good to work more closely with you.


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