Webinar – Birth Trauma and Medical Abuse During Childbirth – How Can We Heal Ourselves and Take Back Our Power?

Birth Trauma and Medical Abuse During Childbirth – How Can We Heal Ourselves and Take Back Our Power?

Dear friends – did you know that 95% of all births in the US today are considered traumatic, with 50% rated as moderately traumatic and 45% rated as severely traumatic.  Did you know that at least one in every three babies born in the US is born via cesarean section and at least one in every ten babies ends up in a neonatal intensive care unit?

What is causing all of these surgical births and what is driving the damage to our children that is causing so many to end up in NICU?  Register for this webinar to find out.

During this 2+ hour discussion, we will discuss medical protocols such as the induction of labor, pitocin, epidural, c-section, cord clamping, circumcision, and neonatal intensive care.  We will ask the all-important question — Are these protocols and interventions really beneficial?  Can they cause harm?  Are they leading to birth trauma, postpartum depression and postpartum PTSD, all of which are now affecting dads as well as moms and babies?

How can we heal ourselves from these tragic outcomes and prevent more trauma from happening down the road?  Register for this program to find the answers.

This webinar is now complete

If you would like to purchase the mp4 video recording of the webinar, please click the link below

Cost for the webinar is $49.50

To receive the mp4 , click here

2 thoughts on “Webinar – Birth Trauma and Medical Abuse During Childbirth – How Can We Heal Ourselves and Take Back Our Power?

  1. Hello Jeanice, if I register and pay for your webinar, (which sounds fascinating), will I have access to a recording that I can watch later in my own time if I cannot make the actual live webinar?

    Many thanks,

    • Yes Daniele – all those who register for the webinar will receive the mp4 video file of the webinar so they will have the information at their fingertips when they need it.

      I hope this helps!

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