Paperback – Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine


Dear friends – I am pleased to announce that paperback copies of my book, Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine, are back in stock! I’ve got a limited supply and expect copies to sell-out quickly.  If you are interested to order an autographed copy, please do so ASAP by choosing the appropriate link below to place your order (depending on where you live). Price of the book is $30 plus shipping.  Please forgive the outrageous international shipping prices.  I’m so sorry about this.


Important Update for friends in Europe

The US postal service has alerted me of new European Union rules regarding moving items through customs.  Apparently, the EU has decided to charge ADDITIONAL FEES once a package arrives in the EU, over and above the outrageous shipping fees already being charged for items sent to countries that are part of the EU.  I do not know exactly which Europeans countries are part of the EU, but I wanted to alert my European customers to this possibility.  It seems “they” are trying to choke European people off financially if they dare attempt to order an item outside of the EU.  I sincerely apologize for this outrageous extortion scheme and wish I knew of some way around it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Important Update for friends in Australia

We now have an Australian distributor for this book.  Her name is Kim Hamilton and her bulk order of the books has made it possible for Australian (and New Zealand) residents to obtain the book at a significantly reduced price.  Prior to enlisting Kim’s help, Australian customers were forced to pay approximately $75 PER BOOK due to exorbitant international shipping rates.  Now the price for this book will be a total of $50 and that includes shipping fees.  Please click on the appropriate link below if you are interested to buy this book.


U.S. Residents, please click here


Canadian Residents, please click here


European Residents, please click here



Australia Residents, please click here




PDF version of the book – $14.99 please click here

Thank you!


Here is a description of the book….

The book offers revolutionary insights into the true nature of the medical establishment and the real agenda behind the violence of hospital birth.

The book contains a mixture of personal commentary, combined with many stories of severe birth trauma, and extensive citation of research to affirm that what is happening during hospital birth is detrimental to mothers, infants, families, and our entire civilization.

The book covers a wide array of topics including postpartum depression and post-traumatic stress, marital breakdown after childbirth, disrupted mother-infant bonding, birth rape, father trauma, circumcision, induction, cytotec, pitocin, epidural, cesarean section, abuse in neonatal intensive care units, vaccines, the mind-control of medical students, the dark side of artificial reproductive technologies, and much more.

Additionally, there is pertinent information about prenatal trauma and the impact of the first nine months on the rest of our lives.

This book is an intense read but the revelations are important. It deserves to be widely read.

If you would like to be kept informed about the release of my forthcoming books entitled “How to Have and Ecstatic Birth,” and “The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound and the Dangers of Non-Ionizing Radiation,” please register in the sidebar to the right of this page.

So far, I’ve gotten some really positive feedback about this book. Here’s what some people are saying:

I believe that Jeanice’s book, Birth Trauma and The Dark Side To Modern Medicine, is THE #1 MOST IMPORTANT BOOK IN THIS COUNTRY! (perhaps the modern world).  It should be REQUIRED READING in every school ( public and private). EVERY literate person in this country NEEDS to know this info.

Ideally the book should be a literal course that lasts for an entire semester in 9th grade?…. led by a passionate instructor who encourages class discussion. I would give every student who reads and participates a P = Passing grade.

—Elizabeth Heselton

I just read your book in a single reading. I couldn’t stop reading it. Wow. This is very powerful…. I’m familiar with much of what you’re explaining about medical abuse, but the way you put it together is so clear. I like the way that in telling your own story you’re telling the story of what has happened to our entire culture. I hope this book reaches a lot of people. I’m going to read it again in a few days. I need to process some of my own feelings about this first. I think a lot of people are going to be very moved and impressed by what you’ve done with this book. Congratulations.
— Kerth Barker, Author of “Angelic Defenders and Demonic Abusers


WOW WOW WOW I just finished reading your book I could not stop reading your book. I read it in about two hours. This is an excellent book about birth trauma and it opens one’s eyes to the medical field and how some doctors, nurses, midwifes really do not care… The imagery is incredible the poem is well written – more so because it is from your heart and your pain. I love the way you had a few pages before your book started of what you can do to make yourself feel better… I just love the layout of the book — Mixing in stories with your take on it… As a volunteer of the Postpartum Resource Center I have read several books on PPD and a mom’s journey thru it. And there are also many medical books explaining it. But I can honestly say yours is a different kind.
— Geri O’Keefe, Author of “The Stork’s Revenge: My Struggles and Triumphs over Postpartum Depression

This is one of the most important books published in this century… PLEASE, those of you preparing to birth, those of you who already have, those of you preparing to become Nurses or Midwives, those of you who are not aware of the psychological affect the birthing process (as it is conducted today) has on our entire societal structure – read this major work. It will hold you spellbound. This book is not only for women, but for men as well who sometimes suffer post stress syndrome after the birth of their children. Understanding this book will help you understand the depth of dis-function families suffer, and why. Jeanice Barcelo’s book is a monumental contribution to our culture.
— Rev. Marian Adams

I finished the book the other day. It was GREAT!!! I cannot thank you enough for having the courage and capability to put together such an invaluable piece of work. Particularly interesting to me was the information about addiction being so prevalent possibly (probably) due to the increased usage of Pitocin to induce labor. That was very eye opening to me. I work as a chiropractor in drug addiction treatment centers. Honestly I could go on with how awesome (and quite honestly – horrifying) the book was but suffice it to say you did a great job and I can’t wait to read MK-Ultrasound! That is a great name!!!!!! There really was so much great info in it you were without a doubt put on this earth and made to suffer what you have to help all of the people that you are helping by spreading this information. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Keep up the great work!!!!!!
 Much love,
– Ashley Lennan, D.C.

I have no words. Such a powerful book.. Wow. Wow. I know the cruelty of the birthing machine very well but you gave words to it in a wonderful way. It will open the eyes of many. Thank you for being you, for bringing this into the world, so so needed and necessary. Thank you for all the effort you put in this work, and helping women, men and babies to create a different world.
— Eugenie van Ruitenbeek, Author or “Raising Children in an Insane World

I love it! Fabulous format – a mixture of commentary, personal stories, citation of research, and gorgeous pictures. You’re a true artist. It really couldn’t be better. It felt like I was reading a feast for my mind and spirit.
— Kay Bee


This book will have you clutching your own body as you recognize and understand how you have come to be. The author, having gone through the fire herself, has given us this tremendous visionary’s gift. As a friend of mine said, ‘Jeanice Barcelo has got to be one of the most perceptive people on the planet.’ Jeanice lays out amazing, ground-breaking information, along with her own personal story — an absolute MUST READ!
— Sofia Smallstorm, Creator of “Unraveling Sandy Hook” and “From Chemtrails to Psuedo-Life: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology

Hello Jeanice- I couldn’t put your book down. Once I started, I went till the end… Thank you for the peek into the medical school indoctrination. I have for many years looked to the medical professionals, particularly doctors, as healing gods of some sort. This naive view gave way to anger and since your book, I realize that medical doctors are just like the rest of us being fed bullshit for truth — building their lives on marshes of fecal rhetoric and subsisting for the material accouterments the pharma/insurance dollar bring.
Your book details the natural process of birth becoming a medical procedure. The emphasis has left the mother and child in favor of the efficient schedule of the doctor so he can get the most buck bang for his time. Not an easy read by any means, you detail one derailment of human nature after another! It is no longer a surprise that the global situation is completely out of balance, frighteningly headed toward man made extinction- it seems to have been the idea from the beginning of hospital birth.
Thank you, Jeanice, you work is invaluable.
— Joan Callahan


I wonder how many have read your book, Birth Trauma Jeanice. I’ve just finished it… the work you put in and the knowledge you’ve spread is extraordinary. An amazing book on so many levels… Thank you for being you.
– Tony Nash

47 thoughts on “Paperback – Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine

  1. Product: Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine – PDF
    Amount: $11.99
    Order #: ch_1F9pa9ITlsD3JEQ9Pt979OJo
    Customer #: cus_Ff9tlOhtKGAr87
    Date: Aug 21, 2019 6:54:17 PM

    Hi haven’t received the link for the PDF

  2. Hi Jeanice!

    Just ordered the book! leslie cano

    Thank you!!! My wife is a Doula. Do you have any presentations you offer or do you ever speak to communities? I’m sure her circle would love your take on all of this.

    • Hi Leslie – I just emailed you the book and pointed you in the direction of the 7 new programs I am offering this year. Perhaps you and/or your wife would like to join one or more of the classes? And yes, I speak to communities – either live or through zoom or google meet – to support people in understanding the topic of birth trauma vs. gentle birth and how we can heal. Please let me know how I can be of support. I enjoy sharing this information very much.

      All the best to you, Jeanice

  3. Thank you Janice for your Renegade tenacity in the face of the censorship crack down.
    And FYI, John Long Lash is not a “Luciferian” in the “Satanic ” sense in which you forewarned your readers to beware “John Lash is a Luciferian”. Please dig a little deeper in the whole sordid matter and beware the pitfalls along the way and down the deepest rabbit holes! signed,

    • Thanks for the feedback. John Lash most definitely IS a luciferian, but I really don’t want to waste my time talking about him. If people are drawn to him, that is their path. So be it.

    • Congrats Amalia! I sent the book to you through email. I hope you benefit from it. It’s an intense read, especially if you’ve experienced birth trauma yourself. But the information is so important. Just let me now if you need extra support.

  4. Hey all, this is not obviously stated, but when you buy the PDF, she manually e-mails it to you.

    The PDF does not go to your e-mail automatically. I bought the PDF last night and she sent me the PDF in the morning… just so you know… don’t panic if you didn’t see it immediately.

  5. wow that’s crazy how you are banned everywhere…

    I just completed the payment fields and I got a receipt. but no charges were made from my bank account. could that be process delay because i am sending from canada? if not please let me know so I can try again. thank you:)

    • I do not see any transaction from you sister. Nor do I see any attempted transactions that were canceled. Please do try again. Thanks.

  6. hello

    Im from the netherlands and want to buy the books (PDF), but the payment does not want to work do you have another option to buy it with creditcard.

    thank you


  7. Hi,
    I don’t mind reading this on PDF but I would really prefer getting a hard copy next time it is available. Is there any update?

  8. Hi, I just ordered the paperback of Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine.
    I was not able to print the purchase page and have no other way to contact for info on shipping.
    Can you give me any information?
    Thanks, Shauna

    • Now I see your order Shauna. The shipping is $10 for priority. The total charge is $40, $30 for the book, plus shipping in the US.

  9. Hello,

    You sent me the wrong book. I ordered the book “Birth Trauma and The Dark Side of Modern Medicine”.

    However, i just received “The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound” totally not interested in this book..I didn’t even see this book as an option.

    Anyways, I’m in Canada and postage is expensive and timely, so a little irritating.

    • Sam – I sent you a private email. I apologize for the mix-up. Your order came in during a time I was running a sale on the ultrasound book and I did not look at the order closely enough. It’s my mistake. I have already packaged up a birth trauma book to send out to you on Monday. Please forgive the confusion and the delay in getting you the right book.

      • Thank you very much. Initially I was not happy about the situation but browsed through the book anyways. You’re doing God’s work. Thank you. Thought you would appreciate the message. =D

  10. Hi, i would like to make a PDF order for the Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine

    please send me email

  11. Hello Jeanice
    I have just ordered Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern medicine (PDF). I’m presuming this will be sent to my email address?
    I also wanted to say how much I appreciate your work – and your bravery and intellect – I have just listened to your interview with John Le Bonn (I am a member on his site – which probably will tell you I am very open to the validity of the subjects you cover). The creatures that control our world (whatever that may be) are evil and dark almost beyond description. I agree that we can survive and overcome with love and strength, but to do that we need to know what we are dealing with. Thank you for explaining this. We must protect our children, our future children and ourselves. I look forward to reading your other books shortly. I wish you much strength and tenacity.

    • Thank you Alison, for your kind comments of support. I emailed you the PDF version of the birth trauma about 15 minutes ago, so you should already have it in your inbox. Let me know if you did not receive it. Thanks!

  12. Hi Jeanice, I ordered a paperback copy of ‘Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine’ a couple of days ago but didn’t receive an email confirmation, I’m just wanting to know if my order went through okay, and if so, I was wondering if you are able to give me an idea on when I should get the book delivered by.
    Really looking forward to reading your book. I also want to say I have huge respect for the research you do and for sharing all this dark information in your books and interviews.

    • Hi Godfrey – indeed, I received your order and shipped your book out to you today. As your order involves international shipping, it is not clear exactly when it will arrive. I will email you privately right now with a suggestion while you wait. Thank you so much for your kind words and for your interest in my work.


  13. Hello, I purchased the pdf but have not received an email, will this be coming through soon? Thank you I’m looking forward to reading!

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